Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Bob from the BNP - Part Three

So, readers, here we are with the third and final instalment of my charming email correspondence with 'Bob', from one of the regional BNP offices in London. As you will know, the resourceful Bob obtained details of my email address, and proceeded to send me several hateful, but equally pathetic emails.

Below, you will the third and final email, in it's full glory:

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 3:24 PM, bob wrote:
> I have sent you just a few emails and I have received numerous replies.
> The BNP lists were leaked by people like yourself and those on that list received harassment and death threats. Some people were physically attacked. A lot were elderly people. You seek to dehumanise us but most of us are actually Ex Labour activists and supporters and left leaning. We are neither fundamentalists or Extremists when compared to the wreckers of this country and the war mongers.
> Put yourself in my shoes. I have your email addresses and more. Do you see the irony of it all coming full circle. Is it not time to repent for your sinful ways and turn your back on doing the dirty work of the state.

So, is this just pathetic attempt to put the wind up a thirty five year old part time activist, or should I be worried about this at all? To be honest, my first natural reaction is fucking anger - how fucking dare they send me shit like this!

I've yet to decide how to reply - any ideas?!

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